November 2007 E-Update

Angie Velasco


Greetings from Chicago!  What a surprise!  I did not expect to be in Chicago at this time of the year.


On October 14 I started having headches, fever, chills, runny nose, sore throat and muscle aches.  I called my infectious diseases doctor in Mexico City.  He diagnosed me with Chronic fatigue syndrome and gave me antibiotics, cough syrup, analgesics and anti-inflammatory medicine for my muscle aches.  After 7 days of medicine I was not any better but worse with left ear inflammation, frozen shoulders, swollen left knee and a swollen right ankle from a fall.


On October 24th I was in Mexico City to see this doctor and he recommended that I fly to Chicago ASAP saying he does not know what I have.  All the tests for infectious diseases were negative.  I flew to Chicago on October 27th.


On Nov. 1 I went to see my infectious diseases doctor here in Chicago.  After a thorough history and physical examination she concluded that I have sinusitis and that I don’t have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  I am on another course of antibiotics and we’ll see in 5 days how I respond. 


I think it was C.S. Lewis who said, “God shouts to us when we are in pain”.  The first week I got sick I cancelled all my activities except for one Bible study to stay home and rest.  I heard it loud and clear from the Lord,   “Angie…just a few good men.”  I knew what it meant.  Just a few good men… is the motto of the US Marines.  They want men that are strong, bold and tough as they will be on the enemy front lines.


The Lord does not want me to do so many things in Mexico.  He just wants me to invest my life on a few, faithful, available and teachable women who in turn will teach others also.  I am not cut out for rural church planting work, children’s ministry, translation work, jail ministry, TV production or medical missions.  My mission in Mexico is to evangelize and disciple a few good women who will evangelize and disciple others also.


Praise the Lord for this time of illness!  He definitely gave me a clear direction to stay long term in Mexico to give my life to a few good women.  I won’t be able to do it alone.  I will need your prayers, financial support, serving hands and regular encouragement.


If you are able to continue to be part of my team for the long run, please let Anne Tuttle know by phone, 360-256-9711 or email or email me directly at  Thank you to all of you who have responded already.  I appreciate your commitment.


Thank you all for your love, prayers and support.


Happy Thanksgiving!