September 2006 Email Update


Dear Family & Friends:


Back at home when we needed something we  would automatically go and buy it.  My first few months in Mexico it would surprise me when different neighbors would knock at my door to borrow my jumper cables, ask for a glass of milk or check if I have an extra avocado as someone ran out of avocado.  I haven't developed this habit of asking my neighbors for anything as being very independent I am often embarrassed to ask for something.  Recently I started doing this --- asking for an onion I needed for a recipe, a bunch of cilantro and recently a table cloth I needed for a women's breakfast I was hosting.


To my surprise, my neighbors are happy to provide whatever I need.


On August 12, I was hosting a women's breakfast and needed a table cloth.  I called my neighbor Dora to ask if she has a table cloth I could borrow and she immediately came to my house with a table runner.  She ended up helping me get the house ready for the ladies' breakfast and towards the evening I was rushing to a prayer meeting and casually invited her to come with me.  Her husband was out of town so she readily accepted my invitation.  Little did I know that August 11 would be the day of her salvation.


Dora came with me to the prayer meeting and was very impressed that we prayed for all the prayer requests of the people in the church.  She was so moved by the prayer of one of the gals that she said, "I would like to learn how to pray".  The gal sitting beside her started sharing the gospel with her and told her, "Yes, you can learn how to pray!".


Dora prayed to receive Christ on August 11 around 10:30 pm while in our prayer meeting.  Praise the Lord!


I was grateful to the Lord for helping me be a little like those around me by giving me grace to borrow a table cloth.


As a missionary living among the Mexicans, I have a lot to learn on how to be a Mexican to effectively win souls for the Lord.  It could change someone's eternal destiny, like what happened to my neighbor Dora.  I definitely need God's grace and your prayers.


Thank you for your partnership.



Fil 3:10 "Lo que quiero es conocer a Cristo, sentir en mi el poder de su resurreccion, tomar parte en sus sufriemientos y llegar a ser como El en su muerte."